Please read the following important notes on eHealth Registration for Healthcare Provider.


Important Messages:

  1. Registration will be processed in the order it is received.
  2. You may be required to rectify or supplement the information you have provided.
  3. Your organisation’s information will be published to the Healthcare Provider Register of eHealth website upon successful registration.
  4. Registration will be deemed unsuccessful and all related documents will be disposed of if:
    1. all required information and documents are not made available to the eHR Registration Office within 60 days from the date you submit the registration, or
    2. technical setup is not completed within 60 days from the date your registration is accepted.


Technical setup:

  1. If your registration is accepted by the Registration Office, you will receive:
    1. An acceptance email with instructions for you to install eHR Secure Connect (eSC) for access to Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHealth), and
    2. An email with a password required for installation.
  2. You are required to install the eSC in order to access eHealth and to be considered successfully registered.
  3. Your registration will be considered successful 14 days after the acceptance email.
  4. If you need help completing the installation, you may log in to eHealth Registration for Healthcare Provider and submit a request for technical support within 14 days from the acceptance email.


Useful Links:

eHealth Registration for Healthcare Provider

Healthcare Provider Register