Avoid personal data leakage

Phishing use fake email, website or instant message to disguise as someone you know or a trustworthy organisation to steal personal or sensitive information, download and install malware, result in system crash, data leakage or financial loss.


  1. For suspicious email and instant message, verify the sender through other channels without using contacts provided in the message.
  2. Use a bookmark or type a website address directly to access the website.
  3. Do not visit suspicious websites or follow the links in these websites.
  4. Do not download and install any files from any suspicious sources, websites or emails.
  5. Pay attention when open an email attachment. Do not open attachments with “pif”, “bat”, “cmd”, “ps1”, “exe” or “vbs” extension.
  6. Do not use public Wi-Fi connection or public computer to access sensitive information or perform important transactions.
  7. Install anti-malware software and regularly update the software and its signatures.
  8. Apply the latest security patches for operating systems and software.
  9. Do not click or open links in unsolicited messages.
  10. Do not disclose your login ID or password to other people.
Beware of Phishing