How to obtain access?

- Healthcare professionals (HCProfs) with valid registration status can apply to the healthcare providers (HCPs) they are working for.
- Consent must be given to the HCPs by patients under their care.
- HCProfs' access right to the electronic health record (eHR) will be granted by their HCPs according to the role-based access control mechanism.
HCProf working for different HCPs
Access to the Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHealth) is on an HCP (i.e. organisational) basis. If an HCProf is working for different HCPs, e.g. a doctor who is a clinic owner and also a visiting medical officer of a private hospital, he / she needs to create HCProf accounts both at his / her clinic and the private hospital to enable eHealth access under the two different HCPs.
HCProf may contact the User Administrator (UA) of the HCP and apply for account creation at the HCP. You (HCProf) may contact eHR Registration office for UA’s contact information.
Related information
Frequently asked questions
What should I do if I identify an error in a patient's eHR?Expand
- If you identify an error in a patient's eHR that is not contributed by you, you should clarify with the patient and ask him / her to approach the HCP who has contributed such data to eHealth.
- If you identify an error in a patient's eHR that you have provided to eHealth, you are advised to contact eHR Registration Office immediately.
Can I charge a patient if he / she requests me to access and explain to him / her the eHR?Expand
- You should exercise professional judgement when assessing your patient's clinical condition and deciding the type of information you need to make reference to, such as medical records or other health information of your patient.
- It is voluntary and free of charge for HCPs and patients to join eHealth. The Government and the Hospital Authority (HA) does not charge HCPs for using eHealth. Electronic Health Record Sharing System Ordinance (Cap. 625) (eHRSSO) also does not provide that an HCP can charge a patient for accessing /sharing his / her eHR in the course of providing healthcare.
- It has come to our notice that codes of professional conduct / practice have been issued by boards and councils of healthcare professions for reference and compliance by the respective HCProfs. For example, we note that with regard to the charging of fees by doctors, the Code of Professional Conduct issued by the Medical Council of Hong Kong (MCHK) stipulates that the consultation fees of a doctor should be made known to patients on request, and a doctor should not charge or collect an excessive fee. In determining whether a fee is excessive, as we have been given to understand, MCHK will consider the difficulty, costs and special circumstances of the services performed and the time, skill and experience required; as well as the average fee customarily charged in Hong Kong for similar services, etc.
Can I use patient's information for writing medical report?Expand
- In general, you should make use of your own clinical records for writing up medical reports for patients. Information on eHealth should be used for reference only. Any information extracted from eHealth and included in a patient's medical report should be clearly referenced.
- eHR is for reference purpose only and you shall exercise care in case you have to use information from eHealth for such reference.
What should I do if patients request me to access their eHRs and print / download all information for them?Expand
You should inform patients to approach the eHR Registration Office to get a copy of their personal health data stored in eHealth through the Data Access Request under Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) (PDPO).
What should I do if the relatives / friends / employer of my patients request me to access eHR of that patient concerned?Expand
- HCProfs shall ensure access to a patient's eHR complies with the "need-to-know" and "patient-undercare" principles.
- Moreover, according to PDPO, you should not disclose to a third party any data without patient's consent, hence prior and express consent shall be obtained before disclosure of the clinical information of your patient.
- HCProfs shall explain to the person requesting them that eHRSSO only allows access to the patient's eHR for permitted uses.