Upon completion of registration, a Hong Kong identity card (HKIC) reader will be posted to healthcare provider (HCP) who is encouraged to use it for patient registration, record activation and obtaining sharing consent to access the Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHealth), so as to enhance the accuracy of capturing patient's personal particulars stored in the smart HKIC.

Technically, eHealth requires Java to interface with the card reader.


Actions to take for card reader failure

  1. Check whether the smart HKIC is properly inserted into the HKIC reader
  2. Ensure that the chip of the smart HKIC is facing up
  3. Wipe the chip of the smart HKIC gently to clean, then insert the smart HKIC into the HKIC reader properly again
  4. Alternatively, you may manually input the patient's information into the system
  5. eHealth user administrator of the HCP can make request for replacement of malfunctioning HKIC reader to the Electronic Health Record (eHR) Registration Office via email ehr@ehealth.gov.hk
  6. Contact the eHealth 24-hour healthcare staff hotline at (852) 3467 6230 for other HKIC reader issues



Frequently asked questions

  • How can I check the Java version on my PC (Windows 10)?
    1. Open <Control Panel> from <Start> menu.
    2. Select <Programs>.
    3. Select <Java>
      Select Java
    4. Click <About>
      Click About
    5. Java version is displayed as below.
      Java version