Developed by the Hong Kong Government, the Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHealth) provides an electronic platform that aims to build up free and lifelong electronic health records for all members of the public:

  • Enable two-way sharing among public and private healthcare providers
  • Voluntary participation, territory-wide and patient-oriented
  • Participants' health records are stored in encrypted electronic format
  • An information technology platform for implementing healthcare public-private partnership programmes
“eHealth+” Development

“eHealth+” Development

Transforming eHealth into a comprehensive healthcare information infrastructure that integrates multiple functions of data sharing, service support and care journey management

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Who can join eHealth?

All persons and eligible healthcare providers (HCPs) holding valid supporting documents can join eHealth. Healthcare professionals (HCProfs) with valid professional registration status can apply for creating an eHealth account under the HCPs they are working for.




What are the benefits of joining eHealth?

Your parents

What medicine did my father get from doctor last time?

No worries! HCP authorised by your father may access your father's diagnosis and medication records on eHealth.

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Your child

What vaccine did my child get?

No worries! HCP authorised by you may access your child's immunisation records on eHealth.


What drug am I allergic to?

No worries! Your allergies and adverse drug reaction records are stored on eHealth for access by your authorised HCPs.

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What data can be shared?

There are currently 11 types of sharable data, including personal identification and demographic data, allergies and adverse drug reactions, diagnosis, procedures and medication, etc...

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Role-based access control

Different authorised HCProfs have different levels of access rights to data and functions in accordance with their clinical needs or functions.

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eHealth's protection to data privacy

eHealth participating HCPs can only access the electronic health records of patients under their care with consent on a "need-to-know" basis.

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Related ordinance

The Electronic Health Record Sharing System Ordinance provides for the establishment of eHealth and the legal base for sharing and using of data and information there in.

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