Getting Ready for Chinese Medicine Information Sharing

elements of chinese medicine

As Chinese medicine (CM) is more commonly used in Hong Kong, its role in the local healthcare system is becoming increasingly prominent. One of the major areas of work under Stage Two Development of eHRSS is to broaden the scope of sharable data to cover CM information. To encourage and promote computerisation and sharing of health records among CM practitioners, a “Chinese Medicine Information System (CMIS) On-ramp” has been developed to provide a turn-key clinical management system option for adoption by the CM sector at low investment cost. Similar to the “CMS On-ramp” available for use by Western medical practitioners, CMIS On-ramp not only provides features to support the daily administrative and clinical management of a clinic (covering patient registration and appointment, clinical documentation, prescriptions and dispensary etc.), but will also be equipped with sharing and integration capabilities with eHRSS.

hot medicine(Chinese medicine)
Broadening the scope of sharable data to cover CM information is one of the major areas of work under Stage Two eHRSS Development
Engagement Workshop on CMIS On-ramp
To promote CM information sharing and prepare for the adoption of electronic health records (eHR) by the CM sector, four CMIS On-ramp workshops were organised for representatives of local CM practitioners in January and February 2019. In addition to providing an overview of eHRSS’ development in Hong Kong particularly in the area of CM, the workshop aimed to introduce the preliminary design and functionalities of CMIS On-ramp to participants in order to gather their views and suggestions. Over 50 registered and listed CM practitioners mainly suggested by CM associations of the eHR Information Standards Domain Group on CM Record took part in the workshops.
CMIS On-ramp
Through presentation and demonstration, participants were introduced to the objectives, design principles and features of the system. Furthermore, participants were able to experience the CMIS on-ramp application with tablets and laptops provided. During the sharing session, participants enthusiastically provided their comments on the system design and features in supporting daily clinic operations.
At the end of the hands-on experience session, each participant was invited to complete a questionnaire to provide their feedback, as well as to indicate their interests in adopting CMIS On-ramp and participating in a pilot programme which is targeted to commence in the second half of 2019.
Participants in general welcomed the development of CMIS On-ramp and were in favor of joining the pilot programme. Valuable views and opinions were also given by the participants, which were greatly useful in the subsequent planning, design, development and promotion of CMIS On-ramp.
Representative of the eHR Office updated participants
Representative of the eHR Office updated participants on the latest eHRSS development
Representative of the Hospital Authority (HA)
Representative of the Hospital Authority (HA) gave an overview on eHRSS’ development in the area of CM
Participants experienced with tablets and laptops
Participants experienced the CMIS On-ramp application with tablets and laptops
Representatives of HA exchanged views
Representatives of HA exchanged views on the system design and features of CMIS On-ramp with the participants
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