Fun Quiz - Chance to Win a Prize

A man is thinking ture or false
True or False
This is a fun game to find out how much you know about the Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHRSS). Determine whether each of the statements below is “true” or “false” by placing a “✔” in the appropriate box. Winners will receive a prize (while stock lasts). (Hint: The answers can be found in this issue of eHealth News.) The deadline for submission is over. The correct answers are indicated as below.
  True False
question 1 background March 2019 marked the third anniversary of the launch of eHRSS. Choosing background of True(left) and False(right)
question 2 background Six healthcare professional groups working in the community can access eHRSS starting from 2021. Choosing background of True(left) and False(right)
question 3 background The new smart Hong Kong Identity Card cannot be used for eHRSS registration. Choosing background of True(left) and False(right)
question 4 background Patients can now give sharing consent to up to three healthcare providers when submitting eHRSS applications online. Choosing background of True(left) and False(right)
question 5 background The Chinese Medicine (CM) Information System On-ramp has been developed to facilitate the adoption of electronic health records by CM practitioners.
Choosing background of True(left) and False(right)
Join the Quiz
To join the quiz, please print out this page, mark your answers and fill out the required information. Completed entries should be returned by fax at 2300 7921 or email to on or before 24 May 2019.
After the closing date on 24 May 2019, you can check the correct answers in the newsletter posted at the eHRSS website. Personal particulars and contact information collected in this fun quiz will only be used to notify winners and send prizes. All personal data collected in this fun quiz will not be disclosed to any third parties and will be deleted by the Electronic Health Record Office two weeks after all prizes have been sent.
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