eHRSS Updates

6 allied health professionals standing

As a continuous effort to publicise the Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHRSS), the Electronic Health Record (eHR) Office had launched a community roving exhibition together with a series of promotional and engagement activities. New thematic collaterals were also introduced to healthcare providers (HCPs) and patients to enhance understanding of eHRSS.

eHRSS Community Roving Exhibition
To sustain the momentum of the one millionth patient registration at eHRSS’ third anniversary, a roving exhibition was launched by the eHR Office to further promote eHRSS in the community. The first exhibition was held at the Amoy Plaza in Kowloon Bay (26 to 30 July 2019). Registration counters were also set up to facilitate visitors to register on-site. Close to 770 members of the public were registered during the exhibition.
The concept and benefits of eHR sharing, key features of eHRSS and its latest development were highlighted through display panels and video broadcast at the exhibition. Participants including citizens in the neighbourhood and visitors to the venue were introduced to eHRSS and invited to take part in an interactive fun game to learn more about the system. For upcoming exhibitions, please stay tuned to the eHRSS website.
eHRSS on RTHK Live Programme
eHRSS was presented on air at the live programme "Healthpedia" on Radio 1 and TV 31 of the Radio Television Hong Kong on 5 July 2019. Mr Ian Chin, Principal Assistant Secretary for Food and Health (Health) of the Food and Health Bureau and Dr Clement Cheung, Senior Health Informatician (eHR) Special Duties of the Hospital Authority (HA) attended the interview to share with audience about the latest development of eHRSS, some common questions and concerns about eHRSS participation and the major work areas of Stage Two Development.
The programme (in Cantonese) is now available online:
RTHK Radio –


Promulgation at Social Media Platform
To complement the existing publicity channels, the eHR Office had utilised digital marketing more extensively to promulgate eHRSS to a wider range of audience and encourage participation. Since May, Internet users would find eHRSS appearing at popular social media platforms such as YouTube and the Google Search Engine and Display Network. Through these platforms, viewers would be directed to the promotional videos where they would find more information about eHRSS and links to online registration at the eHRSS website.
eHRSS Briefing for Expectant Parents
At two seminars jointly organised by the Department of Health and the Natural Parenting Network held at the Hong Kong Central Library on 16 May 2019 and 24 August 2019, representatives of the eHR Office and HA had the opportunity to introduce to close to 200 expectant parents and other carers about eHRSS, in particular its benefits to newborns and children. Participants were encouraged to join eHRSS and to register their newborns early to facilitate the building up of life-long health records.
User Forum on Radiology Image Sharing
To prepare healthcare institutions currently taking part in the Radiology Image Sharing Pilot of HA to migrate to radiology image sharing under Stage Two Development of eHRSS, a forum was organised on 20 June 2019 at the Centre of Health Protection. More than 110 healthcare professionals (HCProfs) and representatives from the private hospitals, radiology centres and groups attended the event. Participants were updated on the development of radiology image sharing through eHRSS and briefed on the preparation work, technical requirements and migration plan.
Seminar on eHRSS Latest Development
A seminar themed “Understanding eHRSS – New Milestone New Horizon” was held at the HA Headquarters on 13 September 2019 for healthcare providers (HCPs) from both the public and private sectors. The event comprised a suite of presentations by representatives of HA, sharing with participants about the latest development progress and milestones of eHRSS, easy and smart ways for utilising the system, tips on privacy and security protection and other best practices. Over 300 HCProfs, administrators, information technology and management staff of eHRSS participating HCPs and interested organisations attended.
New eHRSS Collaterals
New collaterals covering the following aspects of eHRSS were designed and disseminated to HCPs and patients:
  Benefits and use of eHRSS for patients on admission to public hospitals: The leaflet aims to introduce eHRSS and explains about the arrangements of upload and access to eHRs for in-patients of public hospitals.
  Role-based access control (RBAC): The poster and leaflet illustrate eHR access opened to different groups of HCProfs under the RBAC mechanism, and the privacy protection and data security controls that are in place. For more details, please refer to “Extending Role-based Access to Allied Health Professionals in the Community”.
  Scope of eHRSS sharable data: The leaflet features the nine types of data that can be shared among HCPs with patients’ consent under Stage One eHRSS.
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