The Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHRSS) was presented at the InnoTech Expo 2018 held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 23 September to 2 October 2018. The event was organised by Our Hong Kong Foundation to showcase the innovation and technology (I&T) advancement and success of the Mainland, as well as the latest local achievements to inspire the younger generation in I&T.
eHRSS was amongst one of the nineteen award-winning local I&T achievements featured at the "Pride of Hong Kong" pavilion of the Expo. With multimedia information, digital interactive game and detailed guide by staff members, visitors were introduced to the concepts and benefits of electronic health records sharing, as well as the design and development of the territory-wide eHRSS, in particular its application and use of information and communications technology (ICT). To facilitate visitors to join eHRSS, on-site registration was also available. Over 800 members of the public had registered to join eHRSS during the event.
The ten-day Expo also included a series of innovators' demonstration sessions. Representatives of the Electronic Health Record Office and the Hospital Authority were invited to the session held on 25 September 2018 to share with participants the concepts and operations of eHRSS, and illustrate how ICT had been effectively utilised in establishing a platform with high usability, stability and security to help enhance healthcare services for the benefit of the healthcare sector and the society.
Since its launch in 2016, eHRSS received positive response from the community and the healthcare sector. As at early October 2018, over 870 000 patients and 1 600 healthcare providers had already joined the system. It had also acquired recognition from the ICT sector, being awarded the Hong Kong ICT Awards 2017 - Best Business Solution (Application) Gold Award, the Asia Pacific ICT Alliance Awards 2017 - Government and Public Sector Category Winner Award, and the WITSA Global ICT Excellence Awards 2018 - Innovative eHealth Solutions.