eHealth Beta Projects (Thumbmail)
eHealth Beta Projects
  • Taken into account the views of various stakeholders, the Government has recently launched beta projects in July 2023 with healthcare IT solution partners in order to deepen the understanding on actual operational needs, foster technical exchanges and cooperation and garner more practical experience, with a view to laying a solid foundation in the technical aspect for data sharing and enhancement of further integration between private healthcare IT systems and the Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHealth).
  • Healthcare IT solution partners under the beta project would invite eligible registered private medical practitioners who use their Electronic Medical Record Systems (EMRS) to participate in the projects. The Health Bureau will provide funding support for the invited participants to enhance or subscribe the relevant EMRS.
HKMA (Thumbmail)
  • With funding support from the then Food and Health Bureau (FHB), HKMA has enhanced the HKMA CMS 3.x to enable public-private electronic health record (eHR) sharing.
  • The HKMA CMS 3.x is a generic open source clinic management system for use by private doctors. It has streamlined the processing of health care vouchers. It is also integrated with the Department of Health's notifiable diseases system. This can help enhance the efficiency and accuracy of reporting of notifiable diseases.

Link to project website

eHealth System (subsidies) (Thumbmail)
  • A web-based system which serves as an electronic platform on which voucher-based and subsidy schemes operate. eHS captures key particulars of patients for administering targeted subsidisation for private primary healthcare services.
  • Elderly Health Care Voucher Pilot Scheme launched in January 2009. There is no need to issue or carry vouchers in paper form as vouchers are issued and used through eHS.
  • eHS has been enhanced to incorporate the Childhood Influenza Vaccination Subsidy Scheme and the Elderly Vaccination Subsidy Scheme since October 2009.

Link to project website

HKDA (Thumbmail)
  • With funding support from the then Food and Health Bureau (FHB), HKDA will provide training programme and technical support to promote adoption of HKDA Dental Clinic Management System (DCMS) for private dental practitioners;
  • DCMS will be open source and made available on a not-for-profit basis and free of charge to all dental clinics in Hong Kong.

Link to project website