Please READ this statement before you provide any personal data to us.


Purposes of collection

We, the Electronic Health Record Office under the Health Bureau of HKSARG, may collect your personal information including name, date of birth, gender, identity document number, and contact information (e.g. correspondence address, telephone number(s) and email address) if you are a healthcare recipient.

We may collect the personal information of you and the healthcare recipient concerned, including name, identity document number, contact information (e.g. correspondence address, telephone number(s) and email address) and details of your relationship with the healthcare recipient, if you are a substitute decision maker (if applicable) applying for the healthcare recipient in relation to matters of his/her registration and use of the Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHRSS).

We may also receive information about you from other healthcare recipients, when they register you as their authorised person or contact person in eHRSS and your personal information including name and contact information (e.g. correspondence address, telephone number(s) and email address) will be collected.

The personal data and information we collect from you is for your application and registration and use of eHRSS; or for a healthcare recipient to apply and register to eHRSS with you as his/her substitute decision maker, authorised person, or a contact person, and related matters under the Electronic Health Record Sharing System Ordinance (Cap 625) (eHRSSO). Such matters include but are not limited to the following: the giving of and management of joining consent and/or sharing consent, withdrawal from eHRSS, updating of information in eHRSS, receipt of eHRSS notifications and the use of medical record in eHRSS (including access and deposit) by the relevant parties.

The health information of the registered healthcare recipient will be shared among healthcare providers, who have obtained sharing consent from that registered healthcare recipient or his/her substitute decision maker, via eHRSS. We may collect the personal information of the healthcare recipient concerned, including name, date of birth, gender and identity document number, and details of your relationship with the healthcare recipient, if you are caregiver (if applicable) of the healthcare recipient, in relation to matters of the use of 醫健通eHealth App. The other caregiver(s) (if applicable) of the healthcare recipient concerned can also review your name and details of the access(es) you made to the healthcare recipient's eHR account via 醫健通eHealth App.

Using your personal information in eHRSS for direct marketing is an offence.


Classes of transferees

Except with your prior consent, we will not transfer or disclose the collected personal data and information to any third party except as stated below:

  1. the Department of Health, Hospital Authority or any person or entity whom we may appoint in writing to assist the Commissioner for the Electronic Health Record in performing a function and exercising a power, pursuant to eHRSSO;
  2. any personnel, agent, adviser, auditor, contractor or service provider engaged by us to provide services or advice (e.g. technical, security or data processing service, etc.) in connection with our operations;
  3. any person to whom we are required to make disclosure to under any law or court order applicable in Hong Kong.


Access and correction of your personal data

You have the rights of access and correction of the personal data provided under Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and the application forms for access to or correction of personal data can be obtained from the eHRSS website. You may also contact the Electronic Health Record Registration Office for more information. A non-excessive fee will be charged for complying with your data access request.



Enquiries concerning personal data provided, including data access requests and data correction requests should be addressed to:

Electronic Health Record Registration Office

Address: Unit 1102, 11/F, Harbourside HQ, 8 Lam Chak Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
Hotline: (852) 3467 6300
Fax: (852) 3467 6099