
Continuous Expansion of eHealth Scope of Sharable Data

The Electronic Health Record Sharing System (eHealth) is continuously developing, including the expansion of its sharable data scope, with a view to enhancing the completeness of the electronic health records (eHRs) in eHealth and hence the continuity and quality of healthcare services.

Currently, the following nine types of data fall within the scope of sharable data (first phase) in eHealth:

1) Personal identification and demographic data;

2) Allergies and adverse drug reactions;

3) Diagnosis, procedures and medication;

4) Encounters/ appointments;

5) Clinical note/ summary;

6) Birth and immunisation records;

7) Laboratory and radiology reports;

8) Other investigation reports; and

9) Healthcare referrals.

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Obstetric Records Included under Data Domain of “Clinical Note/ Summary”

According to the latest announcement of the eHR Office, obstetric records have been included under the data domain “Clinical Note/ Summary” since early October 2020. Obstetric records include antenatal initial assessment, obstetric progress, obstetric ultrasound reports, obstetric reports and delivery records. The Hospital Authority (HA) and the Department of Health (DH) are the first batch of healthcare providers (HCPs) sharing their obstetric records to eHealth. Expectant mothers who have registered with eHealth can benefit from the newly uploaded data. When they receive healthcare services (such as medical checkups) at eHeatlh registered private HCPs, authorised healthcare professionals (HCProfs) may access their relevant eHRs in HA and DH for timely and accurate information, so as to avoid repeated tests and treatments.

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Obstetric records have been included under the data domain “Clinical Note/ Summary” since early October 2020. Obstetric records include antenatal initial assessment, obstetric progress, obstetric ultrasound reports, obstetric reports and delivery records

Radiological Images and CM Information to be Shared in Next Phase

Based on the current plan and progress, radiological images and Chinese medicine (CM) information will be included in the sharable data scope of eHealth in next phase. Radiological images are expected to be shared in eHealth in the first quarter of 2021. It will help enhancing HCProfs’ competence in clinical judgement and interpretation of radiological reports. Besides, patients can reduce repeated radiological tests when they seek medical consultations from both public and private HCPs, and also relieve the pressure on demand of public healthcare services. Regarding the sharing of CM information, the turn-key Chinese Medicine Information System On-ramp is expected to be launched in the first quarter of 2022 by phases to facilitate digitalisation and eHR sharing in the CM sector. For details please refer to the article “A Step Towards Digitalisation – Rollout of the Chinese Medicine Information System (CMIS) On-ramp”

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Radiological images and CM information will be included in the sharable data scope of eHealth in next phase

Scope of Sharable Data Defined and Reviewed by Domain Groups

The scope of sharable data in eHealth is defined according to clinical need, necessity in delivery of healthcare services to patients, completeness of eHR information and data readiness in respective HCPs' clinical management systems, by the Domain Groups established under the Steering Committee on eHR Sharing. The Domain Groups consist of a wide range of stakeholders and expertise representation (such as practitioners and experts of public and private healthcare service and information technology sectors). The sharable scope will be reviewed by the Domain Groups from time to time and introduced by phases, to tie in with the technical capability and the use of eHealth by HCPs. Furthermore, to ensure interoperability among different systems that participate in eHealth, healthcare and IT stakeholders in both the public and private sectors have been invited to set up various health information standards, through the Working Group on Data and Information Standards.

Want to know more? Please visit the eHealth website for more details about the sharable scope in eHealth.

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To ensure interoperability among different systems that participate in eHealth, healthcare and IT stakeholders in both the public and private sectors have been invited to set up various health information standards, through the Working Group on Data and Information Standards